Dr Glenys Holt
Senior Research Consultant
Meet Glenys
Prior to joining the Applied Research Centre for Disability and Wellbeing, Glenys was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chester lecturing in forensic psychology and the psychology of language. Glenys developed research expertise in the ways that the criminal justice system can sometimes exacerbate inequality among vulnerable groups of people. In her current role, Glenys maintains her applied research focus by working with industry partners to increase evidence-based knowledge in key areas of concern in the intellectual disability sector. Current research foci include diverse areas such as understanding the obstacles experienced by people with intellectual disability when interacting with the criminal justice system; the benefits of multi-element support; and how elements of challenging behaviour can be accurately measured.
Glenys is also interested in how we can harness the power of data to understand decisions made in applied settings for the improvement of quality of life for people with intellectual disability, and the safety and wellbeing of those who provide support.