At the Applied Research Centre for Disability and Wellbeing (ARCDW) we are committed to collaborative, interdisciplinary research that is grounded in practice.
Currently one of our projects could do with your help. Read about this project and how your can contribute.
People with intellectual disability have not always had the opportunity to engage in a meaningful way with research aimed at improving their welfare. Our processes respectfully and safely include people with intellectually disability and enable them to shape the foci, processes, and application of research.

How do we meet this goal?
Including adults with intellectual disability in research can lead to benefits to individuals and society. We will recruit volunteers and provide interested community members with opportunities for training in research. To deliver this program, we need additional funds - $50,000 will fund a training program for five people and enable individuals with intellectual disability to take a meaningful role in the research process.

We will work with people with intellectual disability
to understand the research process, communicate their views, and build capacity in order that they can make their needs and preferences known. We see this as a critical element in ensuring that out research delivers good quality research for the benefit of individuals with intellectual disability, their families and the service providers who provide care and support for people with intellectual disability.
How can you help?
The Applied Research Centre for Disability and Wellbeing aims to contribute to a better quality of life for individuals with intellectual disability through research, but we can’t do this without your help. We urge you to make your tax-deductible donation to the ARCDW now. Follow the link
We welcome your financial support. Making a donation is a way or reaching out to contribute to our work, and we value even a small donation as a way of assisting in the inclusion and wellbeing of adults with intellectual disability. This important research will guide social practices and disability policy reform to advance equity in our society.
Use this contact form to learn more about how your contribution can make a difference.