supporting service providers
The Applied Research Centre for Disability and Wellbeing (ARCDW) is committed to linking researchers and service providers to support the translation of evidence based best practice to the delivery of direct supports.
Resources to support providers in developing a practice framework.
Developing and reviewing a practice framework is how service providers communicate with people purchasing services about the ways services will be provided. A practice framework provides clear guidance to staff about which evidenced based practices they will implement while delivering supports and provides the structure for staff development, coaching and supervision. The ARCDW will provide links to free resources available for providers to consider when developing a practice framework. Our aim is to provide information, tools and guidance for ensuring strong processes and good practices within an organization.
Conducting research with and for service providers.
Recently, on behalf of a board of a large NFP, one of our team conducted a literature review and developed recommendations on best practice approaches and responses to redress abuse The ARCDW will ensure all our research findings are free to access.
Delivering research that supports service providers.
ARCDW’s research focus is to promote the wellbeing of people with intellectual disability. Service providers play such a significant and direct role in this area. Our current research projects include the following:
- a project to understand better the research needs of people with disability and service providers,
- projects examining loneliness and inclusion,
- a project targeted at the critical knowledge and practice gaps associated with people with disability and their contact with police;
- a project looking at how to assess the severity of crises involving behaviours of concern; and
- a project to investigate how the use of the Comprehensive Health Assessment Tool can be improved.
To find out more please visit our Current Projects Page.
Links: Resources
Please visit our Resources page.
Meet the ARCDW team members who support service providers

Nicola Crates
Director of Practice Innovation and Service Development

Dr Kristen Webb
Practice Leader
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