COVID-19 and keeping safe
The health and safety of the people we support, their families and our employees continue to be our greatest priority.
Initially we set up COVID-19 task forces within our Executive and each of our state-based operations teams that met daily. We planned and developed strategies to continue overcoming the greatest challenges, which included looking across the whole organisation and considering ways to minimise any risks to health.
We continue to closely follow the latest Federal and State Government health advice and make changes, and communicate these changes, as and when needed. We’ve ramped up our strict hygiene practices and training and are being mindful of the national call to maintain social distancing to limit the spread of infection.
To date we have:
- Set up specialist teams to manage a consistent response
- Regularly updated our COVID-19 plan to remain proactive
- Provided employees with the latest health and safety advice
- Provided all employees with hygiene refresher training
- Advocated to government bodies for greater support for the sector
- Implemented policies around self-isolation for recent travellers.
Lastly, we want to extend our gratitude to our professional and dedicated team, who are adapting to the changing needs of the world we now find ourselves in.