Associate Professor Juanita Breen
Associate Professor of Dementia Studies
Meet Juanita
Juanita Breen is an accredited pharmacist and researcher based in Hobart. Juanita strives to ensure medication management is optimal, particularly in aged care and for those taking multiple medications. For the past 15 years Juanita developed, led and continues to deliver the Reducing Use of Sedatives project (RedUSe) which aims to reduce the use of inappropriate psychotropic medication in residential aged care. Currently she works with the aged care quality and safety commission, continues to research inappropriate psychotropic use and performs medication reviews.
Most people would know about the inappropriate use of psychotropic medication in older people in nursing homes, yet few would know that these medications are routinely given to people with intellectual disability to manage behaviour or as ‘chemical restraint’. Many people take these medications for extended periods (often decades) even though they have limited effect and substantial adverse effects. Medication management, in general, in this group is poor; a finding highlighted in the current Royal commission. More research is needed into how overall medication management can be improved in people with intellectual disability, with a focus on reducing the routine practice of chemical restraint.